How To Communicate Well With An Alzheimer's Patient

26 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog


If you just learned the news that your loved one has Alzheimer's disease, you probably feel lost and scared. You recognize that this disease has no cure and are not sure how to deal with your family member now. One of the challenges you will experience is communicating with your loved one. You may have trouble understanding your family member and he may have problems figuring out what you are trying to say. Here is some helpful advice on how to communicate well with an Alzheimer's patient:

Be Respectful

Your loved one may have trouble communicating, but that does not mean you should not show him any respect. If you use baby talk or pat your family member on the head, for example, he may get offended. Treat your loved one like an adult and do not make him feel like he is stupid.

Ask Simple Questions

A person with Alzheimer's disease has trouble processing information, so you should only ask simple questions. When it is possible, try to ask questions that only require a yes or no answer.

Take Distractions Out of the Room

If you want to gain your loved one's complete attention, it is important to remove all distractions. If you try to talk to your family member while the television is playing in the background, for example, he may have trouble understanding what you are trying to say.

Avoid Interrupting

It can be tempting to interrupt your loved one if he takes a while to respond or says something that is incorrect. However, interrupting is very disrespectful and can frustrate your family member. Practice patience and wait for your loved one to finish speaking before you say something.

Rephrase What You Have to Say

If your family member is having trouble understanding what you are saying, you should not just just repeat the same words. It is very unlikely that he will understand you. Instead, try to say it in a different way.

Look Your Loved One in the Eyes

Before you speak to your family member, stand in front of him and look him in the eyes. If you try to say something while you are in a different room, your loved one might not realize you are talking to him.

Learning how to communicate with an Alzheimer's patient can be challenging at first, but you will get the hang of it soon enough. For more information on care for Alzheimer's patients, contact a company like Alta Ridge Communities.